
1. This after-sales maintenance management regulation (hereinafter referred to as "the regulation") is applicable to all Jinbei products and services purchased.
2. The customer confirms: These regulations are the basis for dealing with the rights and obligations of both parties and are always valid. If there are other mandatory regulations in the law or special agreements between the two parties, the regulations or agreements shall be followed.
3. When you create and submit a maintenance work order, you represent that you have fully read, understood and voluntarily abide by these regulations.

1. Application for after-sales maintenance service
1. If the product you purchased fails and you need to apply for after-sales maintenance services, you first need to contact the after-sales customer service company WeChat on the official website of Jinbei or the official account of Jinbei to create a maintenance work order.
Work order creation process: Jinbei official website or official account >> Contact customer service >> Create work order
2. Before creating a repair work order, you should read these terms carefully. You acknowledge and agree that if your product cannot be repaired free of charge, we will charge the corresponding repair fee.
3. You should ensure that the information provided in the maintenance work order you create (including but not limited to product model, quantity, logistics order number, contact information and delivery address, etc.) is accurate, such as maintenance work order information and actual delivery for maintenance If the package information is inconsistent, we have the right not to repair it, and all losses caused are borne by you.

2.Classification of after-sales maintenance
1. Jinbei's after-sales maintenance services are divided into maintenance within the warranty period and maintenance outside the warranty period according to the warranty period.
     1.1 During the warranty period, it is a free maintenance period, which is 180 days from the date of product sales and delivery;
     1.2 For maintenance outside the warranty period, we will calculate the maintenance cost according to the actual situation of the product, including replacement/repair parts, labor costs, and courier costs.
2. According to the different product failures, the maintenance methods are divided into: including original machine maintenance, replacement of parts, and replacement maintenance.
     2.1 If the original machine is repaired and the product cannot work, after submitting the work order, send it to the official repair point for repair;
     2.2 Replacement parts, if some parts of the product are damaged and cannot be repaired, we will replace the parts for you;
     2.3 In the case of replacement repair, if the product within the warranty scope cannot be repaired, we will provide you with a product of the same model and specification or a product of the same brand whose computing power is not lower than that of the faulty product to replace the faulty product. The warranty period of the replacement product will carry over the remaining warranty period of the product you sent for repair.
NOTE: A replacement product may be a non-new product in good working order.

3.Send in for repair
1. At present, we provide you with after-sale maintenance services by sending in repairs (hereinafter referred to as repairs). You should send the product to be repaired to the official repair point at your own expense.
2. Before sending for repair, please back up your personal data in advance and delete your personal data from the repaired product. The repair process may cause the loss of your personal data, and we do not assume responsibility for the damage or loss of personal data during the repair process.
3. In order to avoid damage to the product during transportation, when you send the product, please be sure to use moisture-proof, anti-rain, anti-drop and other packaging that is conducive to long-distance transportation and repeated loading and unloading of the product. It is recommended to use the original product packaging for transportation. , which can better protect the product from possible damage during transportation. You need to negotiate with the carrier to deal with the damage that occurs during the transportation of the product.
4. We have the right to refuse the package under the following circumstances:
     4.1 You have not created a maintenance work order;
     4.2 You have not paid the shipping cost for repair;
     4.3 The product has no suitable packaging or the packaging surface is seriously damaged.

4.Maintenance Policy
1. Free maintenance
    1.1 If your product is within the warranty period and there is no non-repair or free repair, we will provide free repair service and bear the return shipping cost.
    1.2 If you request us to provide free maintenance services, you should create a maintenance work order on this website during the warranty period (the time for creating a maintenance work order is subject to the display on this website), and ship the product within 7 days from the date of creating the maintenance work order. to the official repair point you selected in the repair order. If the product does not arrive within the above period, we will determine whether the product is within the warranty period based on the actual arrival date.
    1.3 Within one month after the repair of the warranty machine or accessories is completed, if there is a problem with the same location of the mining machine, and it is judged by the technical maintenance personnel, it can be repaired free of charge. After the repair of the warranty machine or accessories is completed, 24 hours after the warranty is signed.
2. No maintenance
    2.1 We will not repair your product for the following situations or failures:
    * The machine is damaged due to the use of third-party overclocking software;
    * Products not produced by Jinbei;
    * Surface scratches, rust spots and cracks do not affect the normal operation of the product.
    * According to our judgment, there is malicious fraudulent insurance, including but not limited to deliberately forging or replacing barcodes of products or components, or other use of loopholes in the terms and conditions to obtain after-sales maintenance services that should not be enjoyed. If there is a behavior of replacing the product or component barcode, the product or component with the replaced barcode and the product and component with the barcode other than the machine will not be repaired.
    2.2 For products that cannot be repaired, you need to pay for return shipping and other expenses before asking us to return the products to you.
3. No free maintenance
    3.1 In the following cases, we have the right not to repair your product free of charge.
          3.1.1 The product has expired the warranty period
          * When the maintenance work order is created (the maintenance work order creation time is subject to the display on this website) the product has expired the warranty period;
          * The warranty period has expired when the product is shipped.
          3.1.2 The product warranty is invalid,
          The following situations will void the warranty:
          * Failure to install, use, maintain and maintain the machine in accordance with the requirements of the instruction manual causes damage to the machine;
          * Damage to the whole machine or board and components on the board caused by accidental situations such as drop, breakage, theft, misuse, abuse, negligence;
          * Damage caused by misoperation, improper installation, non-compliant maintenance and storage, etc.;
          * Due to physical reasons, including but not limited to humidity, corrosive environments, surges, extreme temperatures, transportation or abnormal working conditions (including foreign objects entering the machine and causing it to fail to work properly), etc. components are broken;
          * Product damage caused by voltage instability or leakage;
          * Product damage caused by high or low ambient temperature;
          * Product damage or loss due to unforeseen natural disasters, including but not limited to: floods, lightning, fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, lightning strikes, etc.;
          * Dismantling the machine or making any changes to the machine not authorized by Jinbei Company or Jinbei Company;
          * Product failure or damage caused by the use of any power supply, accessories, parts or components that are not produced by our products or by our authorized institutions and do not meet our required parameters;
          * Unauthorized changes to firmware, hardware using any third-party product;
          * Malfunctions or damage caused by the use of unauthorized firmware or drivers;
          * Data corruption or loss due to misuse, etc.;
          * The product's warranty sticker (i.e. the fragile label) has been altered, defaced or removed;
          * The SN code of the whole machine and the code label of inbound and outbound storage cannot be identified due to contamination and other unrecognizable conditions, and the warranty information cannot be queried;
          * Mixed boards, some or all of the computing boards and control boards in the machine are not original products of the machine or any situation that makes it impossible for us to judge whether the computing boards and control boards are original products of the machine;
          * Daily wear and tear;
          * Other reasons that are not our company cause us to be unable to judge whether the product is in the warranty period.
          3.1.3 When the product is sent for repair, it is not properly packaged (including bare metal transportation, no cushioning packaging materials such as pearl cotton, etc.).
    3.2 For products that are not repaired free of charge, we will provide you with a repair quotation and return the repaired product or a replacement product after you pay the repair fee.
4. Product Scrap
    4.1 Please confirm that after our inspection, you have the right to decide whether your product belongs to product scrap;
    4.2 For products that are determined by the maintenance personnel to be irreparable and need to be scrapped, you can choose not to repair the products and return them directly to you after paying the return shipping and other costs (for products that cannot be repaired outside the warranty period, you can only do return processing. ).

5.Product return rules and shipping rules
1. For products under warranty that need to be repaired, you are responsible for the shipping cost of sending the product to our designated repair address, and we are responsible for shipping the product to your designated address; for products that are out of warranty and needing repair, you are responsible for shipping the product to us Shipping to the specified address and shipping to the address you specify. The domestic after-sales return address must be the address in mainland China, in addition, we do not bear any additional costs.
NOTE: Repaired or replacement products may be shipped to a different address than the one you sent the repair to.
2. If your product is not subject to repair, you choose not to repair and return the product, and you shall bear the round-trip shipping cost of the repair work order product.
3. Please mail the product to be repaired to our designated address by mail. If you send it by delivery, or you send it to other non-designated addresses (including logistics pick-up points), we may not be able to receive the product, and you need to bear the consequences.
4. We will ship the repaired or replacement product based on the receipt information provided by you or the contact person you specified in the work order. If the delivery information you provide is incorrect or incomplete, you will be responsible for all additional costs incurred.
5. You should pay the relevant fees for after-sales maintenance services in RMB within 3 days after we provide the quotation notice. You can choose to pay the full price in one of two ways:
    5.1 Bank transfer;
    5.2 WeChat payment or Alipay payment.
    If you choose to pay by bank transfer, please be sure to submit the payment information (including the payment screenshot of the name of the payment bank card holder or the third-party payer, and the maintenance order number) to the after-sales personnel after the payment is completed. If you do not submit the above information, we have the right not to ship the goods.
6. For our maintenance fees, please refer to the "After-sale Maintenance Quotation Reference Table", and the actual quotation shall prevail.


1. Jinbei Company has the right to revise these regulations due to changes in circumstances, and announce it on Jinbei Company’s website and official account. The revised provisions will automatically take effect upon publication. If you do not agree with the relevant changes, stop using the after-sales maintenance service.
2. The final interpretation right of these regulations belongs to Jinbei Company.
Enterprise WeChat after-sales working hours:Legal working days 9:00-12:00 13:30-20:00;

                                    Weekend 9:00-12:00 13:30-18:00;

                                     After-sales phone 19129350229

After-sales service

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Business Hours

Beijing time

Monday to Friday:9:00 am to 18:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday:休息rest


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After-sales phone:19129350238

email us:sales@zheng-link.com

addressRoom 508, Huiyi Building, No. 9 Zhongxin 

             Road, Taoyuan Community, Dalang Street, 

             Longhua District, Shenzhen


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